Burning the bootloader onto an Arduino board is a crucial step if the bootloader is corrupted or missing. This guide will walk you through the process of using another Arduino as an in-circuit programmer (ISP) to restore the bootloader on UNO, Mega, and classic Nano boards.
What You'll Need:
- Two Arduino boards (e.g., UNO, Mega, or Nano)
- Six male-to-male jumper wires
- Arduino IDE installed on your computer
Step-by-Step Guide:
Connect the Boards:
- Use the jumper wires to connect the following pins between the programmer Arduino (e.g., UNO) and the target Arduino (e.g., Nano):
- RESET: Pin 10 on the programmer to RESET on the target.
- MOSI/COPI: Pin 11 on the UNO/Nano (Pin 51 on the Mega) to MOSI/COPI on the target.
- CIPO/MISO: Pin 12 on the UNO/Nano (Pin 50 on the Mega) to CIPO/MISO on the target.
- SCK: Pin 13 on the UNO/Nano (Pin 52 on the Mega) to SCK on the target.
- 5V: Connect 5V on the programmer to 5V on the target.
GND: Connect GND on the programmer to GND on the target.
Image credit: Arduino Support.
Upload the Arduino ISP Sketch:
- Open the Arduino IDE and select the correct board and port for the programmer Arduino.
- Go to File > Examples > ArduinoISP and upload the sketch to the programmer Arduino.
Burn the Bootloader:
- In the Arduino IDE, select the target Arduino board under Tools > Board.
- Select Arduino as ISP under Tools > Programmer.
- Go to Tools > Burn Bootloader and wait for the process to complete.
Verify the Bootloader:
- After burning the bootloader, you can verify that it was successful by uploading a simple sketch (e.g., Blink) to the target Arduino board.
- Ensure all connections are secure and correct.
- Double-check the pin mappings for your specific Arduino models.
- If you encounter any issues, refer to the Arduino documentation or community forums for troubleshooting.
Conclusion: Burning the bootloader onto an Arduino board using another Arduino is a straightforward process that can save you from having to purchase a dedicated programmer. With this guide, you should be able to restore your Arduino board to full functionality.